Windows Phone Xap File Decompiler Java

Best easy to use GUI apktool with advanced features with drag and drop support. Note: Some business anti-virus are detecting this tool as a malware but they are false positive. Don't worry about it because i don't make malware, i don't like destroying someones life and we never use any business anti-virus See virustotal for more info: Requirements: - Windows 7 or newer -.NET Framework 4.6 or newer - Java SE/JDK for decompile, compile, and sign APK. If you don't have Java installed, you can only use Zipalign or Install APK.


Nov 6, 2012 - No, WP7 app can't have nested xap files - such app will fail the certification in the Marketplace. Can i import. If you can unpack the xap file (as it is a zip folder) - you can use dlls to add them as references. You can try to decompile that app (using dotPeeker for example) if it's legal in your country.


Features: - 7z Compression-level 0-9 - APK infomation with icon by aapt dump badging - Advanced log viewer, with.txt file selection - Allow path changes in textbox - Apktool.jar version selections - Background workers - Cancel button in waiting dialog box - Clear logs when exit - Compile APK - Decompile APK - Drag and drop file support - Enable/Disable check for updates - Enable/Disable tips and ToolTips - Extract APK / Zip APK - Framework installer with option to change path - Framework tagging - Full environment path support - Full options of decompile and compile - Java heap. Default 1024m - Logs tab - Options to rename the apk file - Quick help - Remember path when closed - Remember window position (SHIFT + Q to reset window position) - Sign APK after compile - Sign compiled APK (If you forgot to sign your compiled APK, you can sign it) - Sign seletected APK (It will clone the selected APK, and sign it) - SignAPK (signapk.jar v1.0) - Smali/Baksmali - Switch between apksigner.jar by Google and signapk.jar by bootstraponline - ToolTips - ZipAlign and more. Getting started:.

Deploy Xap To Windows Phone

Download.msi or zip file,. If you download.msi, open it and simply install it. If you download portable, extract to the portable drive you like to. Launch APK Easy Tool, directory are automatically set.

Select the APK file you want to work with or drop the APK to perform an action. Do some work and good luck You do not need to select APK and set the directory if you do drag and drop actions. Framework are for ROM developers and System App modder only It works the same way as the command line version Download links: (For peoples who live in china that can't access any other websites above) Credits: Evildog1 (Creator of this tool) ibotpeaches (Creator of apktool.jar) Google (adb, aapt, apksigner and zipalign) bootstraponline (signapk) Igor Pavlov (7zip) JesusFreke (Smali/Baksmali) Donate: If you support me, feel free to donate and I appreciate it Screenshots: In attachments. Changelogs: v1.50 (2017-02-13) New Features - Signing APK with keystore.

Must be enabled in options. Remember password of keystore. Here is the log Tue 20:48:06.78 Decompiling. Tue 20:49:15.09 Re-compiling.

Lack of backups and a tight schedule combined to cause me some pain that I hope you guys can help me with. My laptop's hard drive crashed the other day, and although I've been able to get back much of my development work with a combination of version control and decompiling, I haven't had any success with my Windows Phone 7 apps. The reason is quite simple - the only copy of these apps is on my phone. I can't decompile them without first downloading them - unsideloading, if you like - from my phone to my PC. Trouble is, although I can find any number of PC-based apps that allow me to explore the Isolated Storage associated with these apps, I can't actually fetch the app itself. Maybe I'm not reading / interpreting the instructions correctly - if so, can someone correct me? Otherwise, is there any way that I can fetch these XAPs off my phone and decompile them?

Real Steel Xap File Lumia 520

Note that I'm absolutely only asking to fetch MY XAPs that I've previously written and side-loaded to my phone. No Marketplace hacking or piracy asked for or wanted.