Installing Mantis On Iis Server

- More Installing Mantis On Iis Server videos.
- For more information, see Installing IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2. To install IIS 7.5 with a script, type the following at a command prompt.
Install Iis Server
Running Mantis on MS SQL Server. While Mantis 1.2.1 does not install on MS. I confirm that Mantis 1.2.6 IS successfully installable and usable on IIS 7.5.
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Mantis is a great issue tracking system. But you may encounter some difficulties when you try to run it on Microsoft sql server and with Unicode(like my scenario, Chinese). Here’s the solution: When you try to deploy the MantisBT using build-in install page, you may encounter errors and cannot continue, so I modified the sql, please find mantisinitialnewutf8.sql the the package in the download section. Then you can create the initial database. You also may find the Unicode may not working and the file upload feature, replace the and fileapi.php and replace the corresponded files in the mantis package. Please download the original MantisBT mantisbt-1.2.18 and modified files here:. Hope it helps.