Free Reports Cafe Astrology

Astromatrix Reports FAQ: Use the form above to enter birth times to calculate chart. The chart calculator will take a few seconds to produce your personalized created chart.

There is a natal chart view as well as a summary page and each section supplies descriptions on each planetary influence such as mercury,venus and mars. Get your interactive love compatibility Synastry chart.

It will determine if you are astrology compatible by comparing house positions, sign zodiac and planetarty aspects. With your display options and the detailed list of your two natal charts compatibility sign compatible zodiac aspects and interaspects! Synastry is the comparison of the natal charts of two persons in order to assess the potentialities of their relationship. The Synastry chart is a bi - wheel chart superimposing, or overlapping of two natal charts: Then, the interaspects between the two charts, and not the natal aspects, are drawn up, i.e.the contacts that the planets and angles in the inner wheel form with the planets and angles in the outer wheel.These contacts are the basis on which the analysis of the couple's potential is developed. Horoscope compatibility and love compatibility includes other methods, such as composite charts, mid-space and mid-time charts, etc. Our application offers you a whole array of display options, zodiac signs, aspects to angles, minor aspects, asteroids, detailed list of positions, zodiac signs, aspects or interaspects, houses.

Free Reports Cafe Astrology

The rising sign on this free astrology report is different than I expected, why? Provided you have entered the date, location, time and timezone correctly, these free astrology reports are accurate. The 'rising sign' changes roughly every two hours, so the place and time of birth must be accurate to calculate an accurate rising sign.

Astrological reports and natal charts. Free horoscopes and compatibility reports from Cafe Astrology.

The locations in the database and their associated timezones should be correct. However, further adjustments are made for Daylight Savings Time at certain locations, and it is worth checking that the timezone set in the form for your location is correct for your date of birth. I store the central coordinates for locations, as given by my sources. I have a lot of aspects in my chart and I often get contradictory interpretations within the same computerized reading, so it is hard for me to see the overview. Unfortunately, along with the rise of natal astrology (more or less a 20th century invention) came the assumption that the astrologer (or in this case, the computer) should be able to construct a little essay proclaiming 'what this person is like', without considering that to attempt such a thing is to attempt The Most Difficult Prediction of all, namely, how this or that person has so far expressed the various and contradictory elements at work in his or her psyche. What you usually end up with is a very gray average picture of the human being.

The 'average' is a mythical entity. There is always more going on than we consciously realise. Individually, human beings are bundles of contradictions. Some charts are glorious, and some are real monstrosities. An 'astrology of imperatives' (the idea that one has a cosmic purpose to fulfill as depicted in the birth chart) acknowledges this and encourages us to take our cosmic remit to the highest levels expression, rather than settling for the 'average' expression, whatever that is.

Each planet is a different 'organ of the psyche'. The heart does not perform the same function as the liver. Another feature of these computer generated reports is the inclusion of so-called 'minor aspects' (semi-square, ses-square, etc.), which were invented by Kepler in the 17th century and do not form part of traditional astrology, but have been included here because users expect them.

You can ignore these if you wish. 30 Minute 2018 Astrology Forecast 2018 will spark some great changes in the stars as Saturn has now just moved into Capricorn and will be here until December 2020. This is a time for turning a critical eye to our career choices and working hard to acheive your ambitions. On May 15 th 2018, Uranus, the planet of revolution, enters Taurus, the sign which rules money, so just about every aspect of your money, house, apartment, business or possessions could be subject to dramatic changes.

With this 30 Minute Personalized Birth Chart Audio Report you get. When is the best time to work or change your Career or study path. Identifying the implications and focus of Saturn and Uranus on your Birth Chart. Any obstacles you may face in the 2018 in regards your work life, health and relationships using Birth Chart Transits. Find out important dates in 2018 that can be a cataylst for relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies.

Transit Date sets the initial date for the horoscope charts so if you want to look at a future/past horoscope, change this date. You can reset to current date by click on today. Birth Orb sets the amount of degrees to allow for an aspect to be shown.

In the birthchart ( best around 7 - 10) Max 10 Relationship Orb sets the amount of degrees to allow for an aspect to be shown in the relationship combatability ( best around 1-3) Max 5 Horoscope Orb sets the amount of degrees to allow for an aspect to be shown in the daily and monnthly horoscope. ( best around 1-3 durations of transits maybe unreliably long if greater than 2 or 3) Max 5 The SmartOrb setting alters the power of the aspect orbs depending on the planet and aspect.


Sun,Moon,Ascendant and Saturn are given wider orbs and sextile,trines and minor aspects given less power with a smaller orb. This is relative to the orb value provided. You need to save a birth profile in order to do the birth charts and horoscopes. It is important to know your exact date AND time of birth otherwise some of the aspects will be incorrect. Please include a name to save to and ensure you click on a place in the list when you type your birth location or you may have problems. If your town is not in the list please contact us to let us know and choose a bigger town within 30 miles. After saving a user, select a chart type or horoscope to view.

You can add as many users as you like. You can also modify the details after clicking on a user and changing their data making sure you click save. In order to do a relationship compatibility report you need to click on the heart of the two people you wish to do the report for.NOTE: The site is going through some major upgrades, you should only need to login once ( unless you logout ) and all users should be saved against your login. If you are having issues try hitting F5 to refresh the site.

Please contact us via facebook to report problems. Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your ongoing support! The birth chart is an analysis of the planets at your birth, this includes each planets zodiac sign and house it is in. Aspects between planets occur when certain angles are made.

Free Numerology Report Cafe Astrology

The birth orb from the settings menu decides how much lenience the aspect would have. The birth chart represents a psychological map of what tools and challenges an individual may have. Each aspect or planet sign/house includes a description of what that should mean within your life. The planets around the outer wheel represent the current planets positions, please see the daily horoscope or monthly horoscope to see how they interact.

Symbol Table.

Free Reports Cafe Astrology

Please note that this is a work in progress, so please come back later for full interpretations. Until then, however, this tool is useful for listing the positions of planets in your chart by sign and house. Ascendants and some sign and house positions are currently interpreted with more interpretations forthcoming.

Horoscopes should be read for your Sun sign and Ascendant. If you don’t know the sign of your Ascendant, use this tool to determine its sign, and get a full list of planetary positions by sign (and by house if you have your birth time), as well as select interpretations.